• Is Traveller Ready Made for Braunsteins?

    Well, is it? Jeffro and BDubs thinks so. And, that’s good enough for me. Go read their columns on the subject first, then come back. So, Jeffro made the world, Moonshine (C 8793016). It’s a near water world with limited… Continue reading

  • Call of Cthulhu RPG — Alternative Task Resolution

    One complaint about the Call of Cthulhu task resolution system is that a mystery may hinge on uncovering critical information, which depends on using a skill to find. Failure of the skill roll then totally impedes further progress. While I… Continue reading

  • The First RPG and the Second D&D

    Jeffro Johnson has a new post (Tunnels & Trolls is the First Rpg) where he presents a thesis that Tunnels and Trolls is the true first RPG. Go read his post and then come back. Without going on at length, Johnson’s… Continue reading

  • Classic Traveller — Starship Fuel

    Disclaimer: this analysis uses solely the 1977 Traveller rules. One of the tropes of Classic Traveller, and SF of that time, is the idea of refueling a starship by skimming hydrogen from the atmosphere of a gas giant. See a… Continue reading

  • Sexual Dimorphism and Bears in AD&D

    Recently, in Internet Time, some sort of poll was posted somewhere saying when asked that women would, if lost in the forest, would rather meet a bear than a man. As usual with the internet this was probably a fake,… Continue reading

  • Monster Height and Weight in AD&D

    In AD&D 1e height and weight are important characteristics due to the fact that grappling and overbearing use height and weight as part of determining how effective such an attack might be. After all, the sport of wrestling has weight… Continue reading

  • Wisdom from an Angry God

    Just a link to an excellent rebuttal to a hack job. https://dmrbooks.com/test-blog/2021/4/7/wisdom-from-an-angry-god-a-rebuttal-to-peter-bebergals-appendix-n Continue reading

  • AD&D Weapon Speed

    Weapon speed in AD&D 1e confuses some people. In particular, it requires a small bit of math to use. Specifically, weapons speed is used in two cases: when initiative is tied or when casting spells within melee. Tied Initiative When… Continue reading

  • The Scorpadillo

    There is an Erol Otus illustration of a fighter being attacked by a monster that looks like an armadillo with a scorpion tail and stinger. I’m unaware of any AD&D monster statistics for this creature. So, I’ve created a version… Continue reading

  • Jousting for AD&D

    Dungeons and Dragons was originally published, it was as an offshoot of miniature war gaming. Specifically, the Chainmail rules for medieval war gaming in miniature. Within the Chainmail rules was hidden a small mini-game presenting a method for conducting jousting… Continue reading

    Jousting for AD&D